The seven habits of highly effective people

18 Apr

The author of the book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” is Dr. Stephen Covey.

<The Seven Habits in the book>

  1. Be proactive
  2. Begin with the end in mind
  3. Put first things first
  4. Think win-win
  5. Seek first to understand and then to be understood
  6. Synergize
  7. Sharpen the saw

I think this habits are very useful in my educational career.

In second habit, it said we should know our exact goal in educational career. We should know what we want from this course, how will we use what we learnt from college and how we avoid from distraction. If we know our goal then our educational career will be easy and effective.

In third habit, it said we should do activities which are more important first. This habit will be helpful in our educational career because we have lots of home works, assignment, group project and other activities. If we can assort works which are more important than other works, then we can do our study effectively.

I think this habits also useful in the workplace.

In third habit, it said our works should based on important rather than urgency. This habit is important in work place because we have lots of tasks and works in business and we can help company by finish tasks which are important.

URL Links

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The seven habits of highly effective people

Social Media Tools for Work & Self-promotion

18 Apr


<List of Social Media Tools for Business>


Dropbox is one of Social Media Tools for business. This tool uses for store the some professional or private data so business people can save their own data to Dropbox and can download data at anywhere without their own computers. They don’t need to bring computers or USB.


Screenr is one of Social Media Tools for business. This tool allows easy and comfortable communication with clients, stake holders and team members so they can present contents on easy way and can share information easily.


Namechecklist is one of Social Media Tools for business. This tools help to decide the name of company and brands. People can search the name on this Namechecklist tool and can find out that the name is available or somebody are already using.


Mention is one of Social Media Tools. This tool help people to find about information what they want. If someone search some words on the Mention, then it will show all information about that words, more detail of information and blog or website where mentioned about keywords.


IFTTT is one of Social Media Tools for business. This tool is automating some works and tasks that related with other Social Media. If someone upload or post some contents, then IFTTT helps automatically to share the information on the Twitter. This tool help to share information with other places and help to spread quickly.

Now days, Social Media Tools are used for self-promotion or self marketing by people. By development of Social media Tools, people can show about themselves to other. Ex) Facebook, Twitter. Also people can communicate with others so it is more easy to introduce themselves to others and can make relationship. Ex) MSN. Some tool also help business by provide every information about brand to people who are searching. Ex) Mention.

There is other ways to use Social Media Tools for businesses. We can use Social Medai Tools to use as storage of data (Dropbox), help as content management system (Storify), encourage communication between employees (Yammer) and searching the name of brands (Namechecklist).

I think Social Media Tools can help job recruiters to find out potential job candidates because many people are introducing themselves to others and share their private information. By Social Media Tool, we can guess which people are friendly, helpful and have leadership, communication skills, creative thinking, critical thinking and positive mind.

URL links

Link 1

Link 2

Youtube Link

Three must have Social Media Tools for your business